Some Syndromes

 ·      Carpal tunnel syndrome         thumb and index  finger problems.

·      Empty couch syndrome       when social media takes the place of physical inter reaction: this includes  Zoom meetings

·      Empty nest syndrome

·      False Hope Syndrome Uunrealistic expectations for self-change.

·      Get out of the room syndrome Musicians who play alone and artists who never show their works.

·      Havana Syndrome. Sound waves affecting US staff. First highlighted in Cuba.

·      Impostor syndrome" is persistent feeling that causes someone to constantly doubt themselves and their abilities.

·      Main Character Syndrome (MCS)  enjoying being the center of attention.

·      Not In My Backyard” syndrome.

·      Raynaud syndrome   cold hands

·      SAD  syndrome, Seasonal Affective Disorder. Often referred as  wintertime depression or winter blues, due to lack of sunlight.

·      Stendhal Syndrome' the condition of being dangerously overwhelmed by beauty in either art or nature. Often exposure to Florence's art

·       Stockholm syndrome, psychological response wherein a captive begins to identify closely with his or her captors.



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