Catholic Church Syndrome


I call it the Catholic Church Syndrome but the pattern appears in business and politics Essentially, it is a halfway attempt at democracy. 

"Thank you for filling in the survey said Fr. Moore.” 

It was six weeks before Christmas and the Parish Council with the assistance from the Knights of St. Columbus had prepared a survey asking if celebrating the principal Christmas Mass earlier say at 6pm or 8pm instead of midnight would be preferred. Of course there had been talk for years that a midnight service was disruptive in people’s lives but the cherubic image of the Church at 11:50pm even if it meant standing was hard to forsake until the heretical notion of fast tracking time zones began to prevail. This Parish Council was strong since two others vetoed the idea or rather did not want to approach 78 year old Fr. Moore who was probably going to made up into a Canon next year by Bishop Augustine. The Knights of St. Columbus gave legitimacy to the undertaking.

“The results are overwhelming in favour of celebrating the main Christmas service at 6pm and not 8pm . However we will continue as we have always done at mid-night.”

A bit like setting sail for the Island of Democracy but coming about at the harbour’s 50 metre buoy. What happened to consultancy and collaborative management approaches? In the world of business and in politics often a decision has been made before people’s opinions are solicited. An associate in Ottawa remarked that he knew about the closures of the manned lighthouses two years before the furore and protests took place. Watch out for friends and business associates that solicit your opinion but only want to hear their idea reinforced! 


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