The Woody Syndrome

Woody was doomed before he arrived. It didn’t matter what he looked like or said. I would not like the way he dressed, the length of his hair, his job if he had one. No Woody was doomed from the beginning. I would not like the car he drove, the sports teams he supported or where he was born. I would not like the music to which he listened and I am sure he didn’t read books and if he did I couldn’t believe anyone would waste time reading those ones. He was not well travelled and if he been any where he hadn’t learnt much. He had no hobbies of consequence and the more I thought about it there was not much to Woody. I couldn’t imagine anyone spending time with a Woody. Yes, Woody was doomed before he appeared.

Woody was a friend of Leona: Woody was arriving with Leona on the 1:08pm BC Ferry from Swartz Bay, Vancouver Island. I was cycling down to Fulford Harbour here on Salt Spring Island to meet Leona and her friend, Woody. I would guide them back to the cabin on St Mary Lake where I was staying with my wife for a few days. The Sail board was rigged with one life jacket adjusted to medium. There was a light breeze which with luck might change and catapult an unsuspecting board sailor into the bull rushes at the end of the lake; home of the Northern Leopard Frog and Ring-necked Ducks or Aythya collans. Maybe there were pockets of Schistosome Dermatitis near our geese friends that would result in swimmers itch for Woody. 

Leona had never been to Salt Spring Island and thought it would be pleasant to join us for the afternoon. I had no interest if Woody had been to Salt Spring or any  where else for that matter. Leona was an old friend of mine. Not exactly a child hood sweetheart but sort of that way. Leona claimed that Woody was just a friend.

Well, the afternoon went well with me ensuring Woody was in plenty of time for the 3:50pm ferry back to Vancouver Island. We enjoyed sitting by the lake drinking ice tea that Leona had helped prepare. Woody tried to behave more than a friend to Leona and I enjoyed the rebuffs he received. I also enjoyed the boardsailing we did on the lake. Maybe the winds were not favourable for Woody, but then he was doomed before he arrived. 

© John Joyce  28 January   2022


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