The Whirling Dervishes sydromne

 Have you seen them? Decked out in white robes, whirling around and around. What do you think about them? I first saw them in Istanbul and tried to come up with something positive to say about them. What a waste of time whirling like that. The positive observations I came up with they don’t fall over when they stop. A couple of whirls out of me and I will be prone to topple. I know there is a history and a hint of religion associated with them and I don’t wish to be disrespectful but all that whirling in groups. When they have some Sting or Led Zepplin like Arab music, it is not too bad. I am fine with just the music.The other Monday I went for a swim as I usually do on Mondays. The fast and medium 25 meter lanes were full with swimmers going up and down. All obvious to the world around. I went to the slow lane and swam twenty eight lengths. Up and down without stopping. The other swimmers and I were in our own world. There was some music echoing in the pool and I distinguished the Four Tops "It's the Same Old Song." Now I was always told to practice scales; up and down up and down. On my way home I walked pass a running track. Where there were athletes running around the track. How many times to run 5km? Many cross country ski areas have a circuit that keen skiers pride themselves on doing more than once. Locally we have Cypress Mountain and an area called Triangle Meadows. I always try to do at least four loops. 
I am thinking there is a bit of Whirling Dervishes in all of us.

© John Joyce  31  March    2022


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