The Modern Fix It Syndrome

    Off Marine Drive there use to be an old bicycle store that was called Modern Fix It.  They sold and repaired bicycles plus fixed lawn mowers. There was a boss man that stood at the till in his grey lab coat. I never saw him without the grey lab coat which was clean and usually contained two pairs of glasses in the top pocket. I think he slept in this lab coat and will be probably be buried in it. He had thin hair which he brushed to cover the balding. The store door opened with a Miss Maples like shop bell ring and he would glance at you but not glare at you. After explaining the problem with the lawn mower, he would instruct me in a few words to take it around the back of the store. Often two technicians would be working there and usually one would be seated on a stool engrossed with a motor or greasy parts laid out like a meal. He wore blue overalls. There was no mistaking the looks. These were glares which silently said

“What are you doing here? Why do you want us to fix things?”

The seated man would approach and examine the lawn mower treating you as a mere stretcher bearer. He was not pleased that you were  there was a problem with lawn mower  and it was my fault that it occurred. There was always some additional admonishing and on cue the silent grey lab coat could be seen at the inter connecting door. After more probing with the sick lawn mower the former seated man, I always referred to him “not the boss man”, would jubilantly find the problem and explain to his co-worker the solution. Usually, the grey coat would join us and there 

would be smiles all around. A brown card would be torn in two I would be given half. My pleas for a prompt return of the lawn were greeted with mirth.

”Might  three or four weeks due to the backlog.”

And for an estimate well.

“Impossible to say but it looks very expensive.”

So, with interpretation I would leave the lawn mower. I must add the lawn mower was used in my garden business. In this business I attempted to extol the virtues of good salesmanship and customer satisfaction. The next morning usually at 9:45am I would receive a bland phone call saying the mower was ready for pick up. I was never asked for the half of my brown card as I paid the modest bill. I should say it was not exactly a till but something pre dating the cash register.

I dealt with Modern Fix It for many years and the above happened for each visit. I never knew any of their names and I don’t think they knew mine. Well, you know the rest of the story. A bicycle chain store moved it and got rid of the shop bell and draw type till. Then another bicycle store moved in and the name changed again. I smile when I think of Modern Fix It and frequently try to recognize in other organizations that wonderful service, they rendered me. 

Possibly Modern Fix It, was ahead of its time? 

© John Joyce  28 March    2022




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