The final payment of the mortgage syndrome.

    Now when you are born, married or die, it is generally agreed  that congratulations and  condolences flow on cue. There is often a party, and if you are crafty it is held at your friend’s clean house. If you win a 10km snow shoe race or a chess tournament you might win a medal and a trophy but not at the same time, however you will be applauded and savagely criticized by last year’s winners: usually at the same time. 

            There is one momentous occasion in our lives where no congratulations ensue. Unlike the 10km snow shoe race or chess tournament there is even a nagging doubt that the event takes place. But it is the big day and with a personal best of 19 years 4 months and 3 days you visit your financial institution to close out your mortgage. 

You will own your own home. You expect the managers to be there in their best clothes and friends and relations to take photographs on this happy occasion. Maybe your wife should have taken off the morning to witness “Our moment?”

            Trepidation before and after the visit to the financial institution persists. Sonia has all the forms except one which is in Daniel’s office (the small business loans officer). Claire takes over from Sonia and brings you to her counter and has you sign two more forms saying that the small one has to be mailed to the register office in Slowminister, who within 13 working days will mail the clear title to your lawyer’s office.

There, however appears to be no current address for Scher, Scher and Stein. Daniel appears and says everything will be approved within a month when you will receive all the original forms except the financial institution’s copy of the release.

            If you drink champagne, which I don’t, I suppose you could do so five weeks later when you mail a fat cheque, addressed to the new offices of Scher, Scher, Kerr, Stein and Stein. Two months later on a rainy Tuesday morning you stuff many forms, into your safety deposit box. You can now tell your snow shoe running buddies and the chess club you are mortgage free. Will they congratulate you? 

© John Joyce   1 March 2022  





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